The Whitworth

Screenplay by O.K. Williams

After recuperation Max came to Cox County, KY, a very dangerous man; feeling he had nothing good to live for; a heart full of revenge; a Whitworth rifle and the skill to use it. The Whitworth was a special long-range rifle. It was without doubt the most accurate rifle of that day. During the Civil War the South could only purchase a few of these rifles. They were issued to the best sharpshooters. Max was one of them. Near the end of the war Max was wounded. When capture appeared eminent, Max hid the rifle. The sadistic Major Wilcox wanted that rifle. He and his men, from Cox County tortured and beat Max to find where he hid the Whitworth. After Max injuring some of the guards the Major had Max castrated to make him gentle; That didn’t work. The War ended. The Major ordered him killed but that failed, as well.

After recuperating Max came to Cox County bringing the Whitworth rifle. He felt he had nothing to live for until the pretty wife of the worst of them showed him he could have some of the things he thought were taken from him.


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